Welcome to the website of
Joseph A. Hearn Lodge No 685 G. R. C.
of The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Instituted 1956
Toronto West

This website is designed to provide members of the general public and members of the Masonic Order some information about our lodge and on Freemasonry in general. Joseph A. Hearn Lodge is one of hundreds of lodges constituted under our Grand Lodge and is one of the 23 Lodges making up Toronto West which covers the western suburbs of Toronto. Our lodge meets in the heart of Toronto’s suburb, Mississauga, at 11 Thomas St, Mississauga on the Second Friday of each month except June, July & August.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website. Any comments you may have are most welcome.
We are located at 11 Thomas St in the Heart of Mississauga. In the quiet village of Streetsville, we welcome visitors.
Meeting the 2nd Friday of Each Month
Excluding June July and AugustFeel free to contact us at,
for membership information